
very cool website for very cool people

like you!

i just kind of really like homestuck and stuff. thats kind of all i do for right now

btw you can read it on the unofficial collection here

i enjoy:

Hi!!!!!!!! Again!!!!!!!!

I'm learning HTML one step at a time. Hoo boy. I actually figured this bit out, though! I'll update with my progress.

09/03/24: I've learned that the "body" tag is important. Oops.

09/03/24 (again): I changed the background from black to a dark gray. It looks nice.

About Me

You already know a bit, based on what I said up there. ^ But, unsuprisingly, I'm more complex than my interests. :) This section is a work in progress. As are many.

The rest of my site...

...Is of course a heavy WIP. But here are some fun links (via images!)
alt link